Saturday, February 3, 2007

Well I am finally getting started....

I am overwhelmed by all things computer other than email and Word documents and an occasional Ebay or Google search. My cousin Jodi has started The Connolly Chronicle which is amazing and creative and her writing is intimidating to me! However, I have realized I can Blog too! It doesn't have to be creative and AMAZING, just a wonderful way for me to update friends and family on Anna Claire's precious life. So here we are on this blogging adventure! Don't expect too much :) HA!


Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

Welcome aboard sweetest girls! I am thrilled to add you to my daily blog check...and be the FIRST to comment! :) You are both so amazing and we are blessed to have you in our lives... It looks GREAT! We LOVE the pictures and the greatest words... :) Journaling is a glimpse into your heart and soul.. blogging is a fun part of that... we shall have fun together! Tag, your it!

Shanna said...

Jill, I am so happy that you included me on you list. Anna Claire is so precious and your love for her is amazing. I'm so glad Trennor gave us a reason to become freinds for a long time.