Saturday, February 10, 2007

The True Meaning of "Blessed"

You know you've heard them "Well BLESS her heart", "That was such a BLESSING", etc. All the sayings that incorporate a form of a word we often take for granted...BLESSED. I have been one of those people to take many blessings for granted, until I have a few moments to look back and reflect and notice the many that God has given me. The largest blessings I receive are the obvious things to most people: my health, my child, my job, etc. Those are all indeed blessings, but if you look a little deeper into my everyday life you will see two people that are my true meaning of being and feeling "Blessed". These two sacrifice, by choice, daily, to help Anna Claire and I. They are my amazing parents, or "Nana and Pop" if you are asking Anna Claire. Did you know that my Dad switched his work schedule to go in late on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that he can take Anna Claire to Children's Day Out? Did you also know that the "princess" doesn't have to wake up until she pleases on the other days and Nana gets her ready and takes her to the babysitter and Mommy goes to work with a peace of mind that she is given the best care possible? They will watch her, play with her, change her, feed her, anytime they can - just to help me out. These are just a few examples of how they give of themselves at every turn, just trying to make Anna Claire and I feel loved and supported - And we do, every day! Now obviously there will be a time in the future that Anna Claire and I will venture out and live on our own again, but until then I will not let a day go by that I take the support we have for granted. I want them to know just how "Blessed" we truly feel!


Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

Yes, Anna Claire is very lucky to have such involved and wonderful grandparents! :) How fun!

Grandmother said...

Awwwww! I love Nana and Pop too!

Your whole family is locked into a special place in my heart forever.....but you knew that!
