Saturday, July 12, 2008

On a reading kick...

I am not what I would call an avid reader. I do enjoy an US magazine and great devotional book weekly, but I am not a novel reader usually. I just finished reading a book about parenting as I mentioned a few posts ago, but if I had even known that the next book I read would impact me this much I would have read it first. I don't usually cry in books, movies yes, but because I am SO visual I have a hard time relating to book characters. There have been a few books in the past that have touched me and brought a few tears to my eyes The Scarlet Letter, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Notebook, The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood(I was a very hormonal teenager!) are a few. This book I am about to mention reached me on so many different levels. I could relate to all of the characters and feel what they felt. I cried and laughed and honestly sat amazed as I read this unbelievable true story. I closed the book after reading it in only two nights and literally worshipped in my room. I thanked God for the path that I have been on and prayed that he would inspire my heart as much as he had Debbie's. I prayed for Anna Claire that she would grow up longing to do kingdom work and serve others. I prayed for myself that I would not go one day thinking I could do things on my own power and that I would allow God to break through my many layers of hurt and sadness and show me what I am meant to do with my life. I encourage you to buy this book and read it today and pass it on to anyone that you think would benefit from it. I know I did and I won't be surprised if I read it again.

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Anonymous said...

I loved this book, too!

Linsey said...

Love the new look! That book is my book club book for next month. You will have to post your thoughts on it when the time comes!