Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pumpkin Day!

We had so much fun on Halloween! Anna Claire was a beautiful butterfly and really loved all the glitter. Here are a couple of pictures and more will be added soon! What did you do on Halloween???


Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

Wait- no monkey ballerina? What happened to that idea? Sounds like you guys changed as closely to the actual date as Julia did! Hey, at least your change was not from one princess to another princess! ;) She looks so happy and precious!

Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

Oh, and I just showed the kids - and Jack said, "Wow - she looks cute but she does not even look like Anna Claire anymore!" :) He pointed to the pic below of the first haircut and said, "There, that one, she does..." :) My how time flies... :)