Thursday, July 19, 2007

Our lovely visitor...

I have posted before on how Anna Claire LOVES being outside! I am learning to love it, and I do appreciate the need for rain, but I absolutely HATE this weather we have been having! Not only does it spoil the outside summer fun, but all of the damp ground around us is causing my favorite creatures to breed at a rapid rate...MOSQUITOES! I can be sitting in a group of people and not one person will get a bite at all, but I will be slapping myself like a crazy person and end up with at least 10! Unfortunately Anna Claire has inherited the mosquitoes' love and look what happened to her... From 10? 5? NO! 1 mosquito! And this worst part is it was in the house! I saw it before her nap and tried to catch it, but then I couldn't see it anymore. When she woke up she didn't have any bites! I sat her down at her table for a snack and sat in the living room while she ate it. When I came back to clean her up this is what her leg looked like! Oh my goodness! I counted and she had 15 bites! How is that possible? Needless to say I have felt the need to explain to everyone I see that she doesn't have a disease, but that it is from mosquito bites. Then they ask me if I ever use OFF? What?!? That is my daily summer perfume :) I just didn't know I had to spray my child down in the HOUSE!!!

1 comment:

Holly said...

That is exactly EXACTLY how my hives look before they begin! And, the girls area always swamped by 'squitos within 5 minutes of being outside. They're so miserable not being able to jump and play for hours outside without a major Deet spraydown. Saylor was so unhappy, she even asked me, "Where did outside go?"