Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Is she still an infant?!?

I had probably the worst night that I have had sleep wise since Anna Claire was an infant!!! She has transitioned very well to her "big girl crib" for almost two weeks now, but yesterday morning it happened...she knows she can climb down off of the bed!!! She came in my room at least 6 times between 10 pm and 2 am. I finally spanked her and she said "I was just worried about you Mommy!". Oh good grief that breaks my heart! She fell asleep at 2am and so did I and then at 6am I heard a soft sucking sound (her pacifier) and realized she was back. So instead of spanking again and standing my ground, what did the weak parent do??? Put her back in bed with me to sleep until 8:30am! Wonderful parenting Jill. Oh well! I will do better tonight. :)

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