Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Her Big Girl Room Completed...

Before we moved here with my parents, Anna Claire had an adorable room. It was pink and black with a French Poodle/Paris theme...I LOVED it! When we moved here I wanted something fresh and new and one of Anna Claire's first words was "butter-by" (butterfly) so we went with a pastel/butterfly/flower theme.
We found a quilt in the back of Marshalls that was a close look to Pottery Barn for way less! After the quilt and a couple of other decorations, the decorating came to a halt and was never complete.
My Mom bought Anna Claire some more items to decorate her room for her birthday and I purchased a fun butterfly mobile from Pier 1 Kids. It was coming together...Until I took the crib down.
I realized that there was going to be a huge empty space and that Anna Claire really didn't have anything fun to play in her room, besides reading books. So, I told Anna Claire that since we gave her crib to a baby that needed it, she gets to choose a play kitchen for her room. We went to Toys R Us that day and brought one home. SHE LOVES IT! She cooks for "Grandma" and sick "Grandpa" all the time. I don't know who these people are, but she is having fun. I also purchased a few cube organization units from Target and a little table and chairs. I think it has finally come together!

Is she still an infant?!?

I had probably the worst night that I have had sleep wise since Anna Claire was an infant!!! She has transitioned very well to her "big girl crib" for almost two weeks now, but yesterday morning it happened...she knows she can climb down off of the bed!!! She came in my room at least 6 times between 10 pm and 2 am. I finally spanked her and she said "I was just worried about you Mommy!". Oh good grief that breaks my heart! She fell asleep at 2am and so did I and then at 6am I heard a soft sucking sound (her pacifier) and realized she was back. So instead of spanking again and standing my ground, what did the weak parent do??? Put her back in bed with me to sleep until 8:30am! Wonderful parenting Jill. Oh well! I will do better tonight. :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Our lovely visitor...

I have posted before on how Anna Claire LOVES being outside! I am learning to love it, and I do appreciate the need for rain, but I absolutely HATE this weather we have been having! Not only does it spoil the outside summer fun, but all of the damp ground around us is causing my favorite creatures to breed at a rapid rate...MOSQUITOES! I can be sitting in a group of people and not one person will get a bite at all, but I will be slapping myself like a crazy person and end up with at least 10! Unfortunately Anna Claire has inherited the mosquitoes' love and look what happened to her... From 10? 5? NO! 1 mosquito! And this worst part is it was in the house! I saw it before her nap and tried to catch it, but then I couldn't see it anymore. When she woke up she didn't have any bites! I sat her down at her table for a snack and sat in the living room while she ate it. When I came back to clean her up this is what her leg looked like! Oh my goodness! I counted and she had 15 bites! How is that possible? Needless to say I have felt the need to explain to everyone I see that she doesn't have a disease, but that it is from mosquito bites. Then they ask me if I ever use OFF? What?!? That is my daily summer perfume :) I just didn't know I had to spray my child down in the HOUSE!!!

Her actual 2nd Birthday...

Anna Claire though her birthday lasted for 2 weeks because we celebrated several different ways! We had the big party with her friends early so Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Matt could attend and she had a little party at her Mimi and Papa's house -
planting flowers and all!
On May 11th, her actual birthday, she celebrated in her classroom at school,
posed for a few shots with Mommy
and went to Chik-fil-a with her Dad. She loves that place!
She still sings happy birthday to herself on a regular basis and thinks any large gathering is a party for her. I love that about her. Who doesn't love a good party!!??

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Anna Claire's 2nd Birthday Party - Strawberry STYLE!

A couple of months ago...We had such a great time at Anna Claire's 2nd birthday party! It was at our house and she chose a Strawberry Shortcake theme, whom she learned to adore from cousin JULIA :)! We had about 7 kids under the age of 4 over for playing, coloring, tattoos, cake and ice cream! WOW! It was so much fun for her and she was quite thrilled that it was an event that revolved around her. After the party Anna Claire received a battery operated car from me that was handed down from a co-workers daughter! It is in excellent condition and Anna Claire LOVED it! I can't believe it has been two years since she was born! I have never had so much fun in my life! Enjoy the pictures - FINALLY!

Big Girl...crib?

Well I've done it! I have let go and allowed Anna Claire to accomplish another very "grown up" milestone. For most people moving your child to a "big girl bed" from their crib is not a big deal. For me it was letting go of my "baby". I have to get over this. I mean it is ridiculous! I know she will always be my baby, but she is growing everyday becoming a very independent toddler. Sure she likes to snuggle and talk in this weird new baby talk and say
"I'm a wittle baby!" but it's not the same.
I remember the snugly, pink little bundle I used to lay in the crib at night...precious.
But as they say "out of the mouths of babes!"...I was tucking her in on her first night without her crib and she said "Mommy, where did my crib go?" I thought Oh no! I traumatized her because I removed it while she was at her Dad's for the weekend. "Well sweetheart we had to give it to another baby who needs it because you are a big girl now." "OK, thank you for my big girl crib!" Yes! Okay I can cope! This is not a "big girl bed" but a " big girl crib"! How sad that I am relying on my toddler's coping skills to deal with this myself.
Needless to say, the first night went very well and she only woke up 2 times, I think just to check and see what was going on! I however woke up, well let's see, at 3 AM I lost count. Paranoid?!? Not me! Just being safe ;) She woke up very proud of herself and I was proud of her too! We are now on night #4 and she has only fallen out once...on a pillow of course! HA!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Charlie is an Eagle Scout!!!

A couple of months ago, I attended an Eagle Scout ceremony for my cousin Charlie. He is my only boy first cousin on my Mother's side. Growing up I wasn't sure how well I knew him, but over the past several years I have learned this...he is loyal, determined, well liked by his peers, smart, musically talented, a great: son, brother, cousin, and grandson, he has a great sense of humor, he likes games ( and to win!), he has a calm and quiet spirit, is great with children, he works so hard at everything he does and most of all he finished one of the most prestigious honors in America - his Eagle Scout badge! Sitting through his ceremony I heard amazing statistics about how past Eagle Scouts have gone on to do amazing things in their lives and I know Charlie will as well. He has worked very hard and deserves this amazing honor. He is headed off to Texas Tech in the fall as a freshman and I couldn't be more proud for him. We love you Charles! :)

Where has the time gone...

It has been too long! I know...I know...I have so many blogs to catch you up on and pictures to post. We are REALLY tired of this rainy weather and running out of fun "summer" things to do in it. I will be posting more this weekend and I hope you are all doing well.
Love - Jill and Anna Claire