Sunday, March 25, 2007

I love my sister!

I love my sister so much! It didn't start out that way. I really wanted her to stay at the hospital when she was born. We had our very severe "sisterly moments" over the years and I honestly found her annoying until one day I looked at her and realized "Hey! She's not that bad." :) She has become one of my very best friends. You know the quote "We don't get to chose our family, but we get to choose our friends." While that is true, if she wasn't my sister, I would still choose her as my friend because she is an amazing person. She is so genuine and she gives amazing advice. Sometimes I feel like she is the older sister. I have learned so much from her! She is intelligent and giving and works hard at everything she does. She makes me stay fashionable and won't let me be a "frumpy teacher" HA! She is so much fun and makes me laugh. Anna Claire LOVES "Winzie" and has her wrapped around her little finger. I write this now because she is getting married in less than 3 months and then moving to Atlanta, Georgia after the honeymoon. I have been in denial about the move, but I know it is going to happen. It has just recently "sunk in" and although I am already missing her like crazy and kicking and screaming on the inside, I could NOT be more proud of her. She is going to be an amazing wife and Matt is VERY lucky. :) I love you Lindsey Beth!


Lindsey said...

You are the best sister ever! You bless my life every time I am with you. I love you more than you can ever know!

Grandmother said...

From Jo...........the oldest sister of Jill and Lindsey's Mom.........."Sisters are a gift from God." When everything in your whole life changes, sisters are still right there loving you, no matter where you are. Miles between you and time between visits can NEVER change that one little bit......count on it.