Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Understanding Humor...

Humor is such a big part of my life and a HUGE stress reliever on a daily basis. It may be something I read or see on T.V. or hear on the radio, but my biggest sources of humor come from the children I teach who are five and six and my soon to be 2 year old! I was taking a shower, leaving Anna Claire to play contently with her Little People. I didn't hear a sound and then "BOO!" I jumped about a foot. Anna Claire just laughed and laughed, "I scare you Mommy!" She is trying to joke with me! I almost cried. She has definitely transitioned to a toddler and is no longer a baby. My heart ached for a tiny moment as I am sure all mothers do, and then I instantly felt joy and excitement to see what will be ahead.

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