Our cousin Saylor's 3rd birthday party was right before Elmo LIVE, so we got to celebrate with her first. What a day! Happy Birthday Saylor!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Elmo LIVE!!!
My Child Loves the Outdoors!
Sweetest Valentine
I know...it has been almost 2 weeks since my last Blog...too long! But instead of making excuses, here are a few blogs that have been in my head for a while.
Valentines Day has always been fun for me..."prizes" from my parents, flowers, chocolates, cards from past relationships, but none compared to my sweetest Valentine these last two years...Anna Claire. She has started within the last week answering "I wub you, Mommy." instead of just "Wub you" when you tell her that you love her. It melts me every time. We hope you all had a great Valentines Day!
Monday, February 12, 2007
"Ste-wah" My Best Friend
Stella is my parents' dog and has ALWAYS amused Anna Claire. She has laughed and smiled at her scruffy face from day one! She loves her now more than ever and even calls her "best-fwiend" (so cute!), but I am unsure if it is really love or the fact that Anna Claire can get away with murder where she's concerned?! She "pats" her very hard and pulls her fur and legs and Stella just sits there with an occasional lick, but NEVER barks or growls or bites. She is so even tempered with Anna Claire, which is funny because if you have ever met Stella, you know that she is truly a crazy dog! HA! Anna Claire loves bossing Stella and tonight was one of my favorite lines I have heard come out of her mouth thus far..."Ste-wah! Stop wickin' your weg!" (stop licking your leg) :) I swear I saw Stella roll her eyes! HA!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
"Goo-Goo, Gaa-Gaa's"
The True Meaning of "Blessed"
You know you've heard them "Well BLESS her heart", "That was such a BLESSING", etc. All the sayings that incorporate a form of a word we often take for granted...BLESSED. I have been one of those people to take many blessings for granted, until I have a few moments to look back and reflect and notice the many that God has given me. The largest blessings I receive are the obvious things to most people: my health, my child, my job, etc. Those are all indeed blessings, but if you look a little deeper into my everyday life you will see two people that are my true meaning of being and feeling "Blessed". These two sacrifice, by choice, daily, to help Anna Claire and I. They are my amazing parents, or "Nana and Pop" if you are asking Anna Claire. Did you know that my Dad switched his work schedule to go in late on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that he can take Anna Claire to Children's Day Out? Did you also know that the "princess" doesn't have to wake up until she pleases on the other days and Nana gets her ready and takes her to the babysitter and Mommy goes to work with a peace of mind that she is given the best care possible? They will watch her, play with her, change her, feed her, anytime they can - just to help me out. These are just a few examples of how they give of themselves at every turn, just trying to make Anna Claire and I feel loved and supported - And we do, every day! Now obviously there will be a time in the future that Anna Claire and I will venture out and live on our own again, but until then I will not let a day go by that I take the support we have for granted. I want them to know just how "Blessed" we truly feel!
Monday, February 5, 2007
"You kiddin me?"
My conversation with Anna Claire while she was in the bath tub last night...
"Anna Claire sit on your bottom so Mommy can wash your hair please."
"No Mommy!"
"Anna Claire, I am not asking, sit down."
"No Mommy. You kiddin'me? Asking!"
I tried so hard not to laugh! Where did she learn that "you kiddin' me" line?! Kids truly do say the craziest things!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
We love pajama days!
Anna Claire woke up with a yucky nose and cough that wasn't there last night, so no church visiting today. We are having a pajama day! She refused breakfast so in
order to get some food in her tummy I gave her her "snack trap"with Cheerios and a "pincess" cup of milk. She ate some breakfast while watching Daniel Cook, Doodlebops and Handy Manny on Playhouse Disney. I felt that was enough of TV overload so we cleaned out her entire room, cleaned the bathroom, and did 4 loads of laundry! Well I cleaned while she played blocks, Little People and read about 6 Dora books. Sounds boring? I know...I know...but I love these kind of days because they are so few for me. I am usually with my awesome class at school while Anna Claire is with Miss Jean or at Children's Day out, so I treasure pajama days :) I finally got her to eat lunch, but she insisted on
wearing her new shoes. I bought her a pair of shoes that are a copy of Crocs that she can slide on herself to go with me to check the mail, walk outside, run a quick errand, etc. SHE LOVES THEM! The two pictures are of her vegging out in "Pop's chair" and pouting because one of her new shoes fell off while she was eating lunch (still in her pajamas). We hope you all had a nice weekend and to hear from you soon!
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Enjoying Every Moment
The two things I knew I wanted to be when I was a little girl was a mother and a teacher. I feel pretty proud to say that I have accomplished both. When I find myself feeling frustrated with my circumstances, I just take a step back and look at this amazing little girl that God has given me to be her Mommy or "Mama" as she says . Here are a few of my favorite things about Anna Claire Scherler :)
- She loves to play outside and take nature walks with Nana. She calls sticks "skicks" and loves to pick them up outside
-She loves babies and her favorite right now (well besides "Dah-wee" - Dolly) is a Cabbage Patch my Mom bought her for Christmas named "Awison" (Allison)
-She sings constantly and doesn't care where she is. At the store, in the car, at school, at the dinner table, etc. My favorite ballad at the moment is "I wuv me, you wuv me, we're a happy faname"and then a beautiful transition to "Yes Jesus wuvs me!"
-She has the prettiest eyelashes
-She smiles with all her teeth and laughs so hard she can't catch her breath.
-She loves to play chase with her "Pop" and sing "Duh duh Duh" - The Texas Long Horns fight song.
-She loves all her friends at school and gives me a play by play on each one's behavior during bath time.
-Her best buddy is Stella (my parent's dog) and she loves to pat her(it's more like hitting, but Stella doesn't mind). She is also obsessed about Cooper (Becca and Bryan Calvert's Dog)
-She prefers Matt's (Lindsey's fiance') attention over all of ours when he is here.
-She says "Hewoh" instead of hello on any phone and talks to Mimi and Daddy.
-She LOVES all things Dora and is really getting into Princess stuff, Sesame Street, and Strawberry Shortcake.
-She is determined and stubborn and showing a very strong personality, but then turns around and gives the best hugs and kisses.
-She loves to say "Don't yike it" and "NO!" - but what 2 year old doesn't?
Most of all she is almost 21 months and brings joy, pride and laughter into every day. She is the best gift I have ever been given and I can't wait to watch her grow into an amazing woman someday.
Well I am finally getting started....
I am overwhelmed by all things computer other than email and Word documents and an occasional Ebay or Google search. My cousin Jodi has started The Connolly Chronicle which is amazing and creative and her writing is intimidating to me! However, I have realized I can Blog too! It doesn't have to be creative and AMAZING, just a wonderful way for me to update friends and family on Anna Claire's precious life. So here we are on this blogging adventure! Don't expect too much :) HA!
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