Anna Claire has a great vocabulary for a three year old, I mean in the way of knowing A LOT of words (not just a bragging Mom, I promise!).
However, she doesn't typically use them in the right context...
At school: "Mrs. Jamie, **** isn't EXPEDITING her mittens. That means she isn't matching up her letters right!" At home when dictating a birthday card message for one of my friends... "Happy Birthday, I like coloring on your phone I appreciate that. You are such a PERSONALITY and I know that."
And today...this actually did make sense...
Mrs. Karen (her teacher): Anna Claire, I like your shoes, they look like Dorothy. (they were ruby red)
Anna Claire: They are NOT like Dorothy's because she wears socks. My Mommy says I cannot wear socks with these kind because it will APPEAR DORKY.
YIKES! I guess maybe I did say that. Bad Mommy!!!
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