"Laughter Lives!" posts.
Anna Claire is getting really good at telling adults "NO". She sometimes decides to be sweet and says "NO THANKS", but at any rate we are working on it. We have been practicing appropriate responses to adults such as "Sure!", "I'd love to!", "Yes, Ma'am", etc. Last night I asked her to do different things like "pick up your shoes" or "don't throw your coat down" and her response wasn't "NO", but "WHY?". I explained to her that saying "WHY?" to an adult when they ask you something is just as rude as saying "NO". She had done it like five times, so I told her "Anna Claire, if you say "WHY?" again when Mommy asks you to do something I will put you in time out." A few minutes passed and I asked her to put her shoes on so we could meet my Mom for dinner and she said..."WHY?". All I did was look at her, you know in that way that your Moms looked at you growing up, and she responded with this...
"I wasn't saying the word "WHY?",
I was practicing my letters...
Y, Z, A, B, C."
and flashed me a HUGE sweet smile."
Oh, my, my...I am in for it folks! I need to remember this sweet smile when she is lying to me at fifteen.
AWESOME! Anna Claire cracks me up! And, the picture of you and Brad on the side-bar is so cute!
Too funny, Jill! She definitely keeps you on your toes :)
Fifteen????? Try SEVEN - I have a resident-expert yet often without a smile but in its place comes WIDE "innocent" eyes and a VERY lengthy and elaborate lie-story...Enjoy posting them while you can - because mine are no longer at the "cute phase." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :) Gotta LOVE motherhood...huh? :) Hey, at least growing up YOU got a look...I just got LEG SLAPPING from MY MOTHER... :)
That is hilarious!!! Our girls are so sassy!
HA! She's a girl after my own heart. PRICELESS:)
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