Thursday, January 22, 2009

TUTU Cute :)

My friend from work, Janna, has this precious princess and she is turing one!
I gladly made her a ladybug tutu and wanted to share how it turned out!
Need one? I will make you one! It helps a lot that the model is absolutely PRECIOUS!
Thank you Janna and
Happy 1st Birthday - Julia Claire!

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Please pray...

Please pray for my sweetest, forever friend Becca!
We Cry Out
Father of life seated on Your throne of grace
It's only by Your mercy we are saved,
Lord You have said if we call upon your name
We and our families will be saved
So we cry out Your name
El Shaddai, God of Grace, Lord most high, Jesus Christ,
We rely on Your Grace Adonai, crowned in praise Lord most high, Jesus Christ

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My Daughter...SO Patriotic!

Back in the spring Anna Claire had watched enough T.V. with my Dad during the campaigning to hear Barack Obama's name over and over. She had asked a couple of people then, "Are you voting for "Rock-O-Mama?" Fast forward to last night and here is the conversation that unfolded during the Inauguration...

Nana: Anna Claire that man is our new President of the United States.

A.C.: What's his name?

Nana: Barack Obama

A.C.: Nooooo Nana! His human name?

Nana: (through much laughter) That is his human name

A.C.: No way! What is his human name?

Nana: Anna Claire my name is Trish, Mommy's name is Jill, your name is Anna Claire and his name is Barack.

A.C.: What does that mean!?!

We were cracking up! But despite this funny exchange I did enjoy watching all of the festivities on T.V., including Aretha Franklin's obnoxious hat! It was neat to experience as our nation came together for one purpose. Despite my political platform or preference, Barack Obama is our new president and I was in awe of watching the hope in the face of the African American culture as barriers were finally broken. What a beautiful night!

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Vocabulary 101

Anna Claire has a great vocabulary for a three year old, I mean in the way of knowing A LOT of words (not just a bragging Mom, I promise!).
However, she doesn't typically use them in the right context...

At school: "Mrs. Jamie, **** isn't EXPEDITING her mittens. That means she isn't matching up her letters right!" At home when dictating a birthday card message for one of my friends... "Happy Birthday, I like coloring on your phone I appreciate that. You are such a PERSONALITY and I know that."


And today...this actually did make sense...

Mrs. Karen (her teacher): Anna Claire, I like your shoes, they look like Dorothy. (they were ruby red)

Anna Claire: They are NOT like Dorothy's because she wears socks. My Mommy says I cannot wear socks with these kind because it will APPEAR DORKY.

YIKES! I guess maybe I did say that. Bad Mommy!!!

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Laughter Lives...

Laughter LivesThis post is part of "Laughter Lives! Tuesday" on the
Check our their blog to read everyone else's
"Laughter Lives!" posts.
Anna Claire is getting really good at telling adults "NO". She sometimes decides to be sweet and says "NO THANKS", but at any rate we are working on it. We have been practicing appropriate responses to adults such as "Sure!", "I'd love to!", "Yes, Ma'am", etc. Last night I asked her to do different things like "pick up your shoes" or "don't throw your coat down" and her response wasn't "NO", but "WHY?". I explained to her that saying "WHY?" to an adult when they ask you something is just as rude as saying "NO". She had done it like five times, so I told her "Anna Claire, if you say "WHY?" again when Mommy asks you to do something I will put you in time out." A few minutes passed and I asked her to put her shoes on so we could meet my Mom for dinner and she said..."WHY?". All I did was look at her, you know in that way that your Moms looked at you growing up, and she responded with this...
"I wasn't saying the word "WHY?",
I was practicing my letters...
Y, Z, A, B, C."
and flashed me a HUGE sweet smile."
Oh, my, my...I am in for it folks! I need to remember this sweet smile when she is lying to me at fifteen.

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

More Christmas Bloggin' Coming Soon!

Since I NEVER got around to it BEFORE Christmas...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! - From JUST US GIRLS
This was the MAJOR REASON that our Christmas was AWESOME.
Look who was home!!!

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Anna Claire's Humor

I have to publish these as posts (from my side bar) or I will forget them...
Our conversation at the Fall Festival on Halloween...
Me: Anna Claire, do you want to try the bungee jumping?
A.C.: NO!
Me: I know it looks a little scary, but it will be fun and like jumping on a trampoline.
A.C.: Okay, whoa! But not with THAT guy!

I was laughing SO hard. :)

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This is my favorite picture from Thanksgiving.
I know I am behind! I am SO thankful for her.

I will give thanks to the LORD according to His righteousness And will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High. - Psalms 7:17

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