Friday, October 17, 2008

So much work...

Anna Claire is phasing out her nap! YIKES! It does make for an earlier bed time which is often helpful, but also around 5pm I have a very cranky girl on my hands at times. Here is the latest conversation with her teacher at school regarding this subject... Mrs. Karen: Anna Claire do you notice that you are the only one in our class not sleeping? Anna Claire: Yes, but I can't. Mrs. Karen: Why not? Anna Claire: (with a look of disgust) Well you know I have SO much work to do! My Mommy makes me clean up all my toys, eat supper and take baths! I am just working so hard. Boy I must be a mean Mommy...mean, mean mommy...

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Janelle and Ella said...

That is hilarious!!!

I LOVE your new blog look. It is a new look isn't it? Sometimes I get nervous that I just wasn't very observant before. :-)

Lindsey said...

Mom told me this story but I still laughed out loud reading it again. That girl is hilarious. I miss you both sooo much!

Becca said...

HA! Hilarious!