Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fourth of July/60th Wedding Anniversary

Since Fourth of July was almost 3 months ago, I decided I can finally blog about it :) We had a great time starting out with a festive pedicure...

We drove down to Fairlie, Texas to "the farm" to celebrate the fourth and my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary! Can you believe it?
60 YEARS! We all chipped in and bought them a windmill for their farm. They seemed to like it. Don't they look festive?
We were able to see a lot of family...
Eat some delicious food...
Play with our cousins :)
Dress up the dog...
...and the kids even put on a FANTASTIC Fourth of July show! I don't have a picture of "Miss America" (Julia), but she was stunning. Isn't Anna Claire crazy? She entertained us with many made up songs on the key board and Jack was an incredible announcer.
At the end of the night we set off our own fire works and danced in the yard with sparklers. Aside from Jack almost losing his hearing from a Black Cat, we had a wonderful time! I love summer :) I hope you all had a wonderful 4th with friends and family as well!

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Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

Seriously - this just made me laugh out loud...I am laughing about so many things here - but WISH I could laugh about the Black Cat - that put this "MOTHER BEAR" in action - I was ready to shut that party DOWN! HA! :) It was fun and I am SO glad we were there...good times - good times...

Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

Hey - if you blog just TWO more - you will beat your monthly record for the year! HAHAHAHAHAHA - I need the one of spaz Jack and the one of the girls in the photo gallery, I mean the guest bedroom. HAHAHAHA

Linsey said...

Love all the pictures. Glad you are blogging again!