I finally took Anna Claire for her first dentist visit this summer. I have mentioned before that A.C. does the best if she is prepped with a book of some sort before a "major" event. So...ironically I won a book titled Going to the Dentist from an Usborne rep at school right before school let out. I began reading it to her and booked the appointment. She was precious! She LOVED the atmosphere and I told her I am glad because that is the LAST time Mommy will spend that amount of money on a dentist visit. None the less...she was brave and well behaved and told the dentist and ALL of the nurses that would listen...
"I don't need a shot in my mouth today thank you because I have eaten all of my "begetables"! She may be a LIAR, but at least she is cute, right? I did find out that the "gap" between her teeth is caused by skin growing there, but doesn't need to be clipped or anything and that braces (cha-ching) will fix that in several years. SO...until then we will be gazing at these precious chompers.
I think it adds excellent character, don't you? Don't worry I won't be saying that to her when she is getting ready for her prom! ;)
Character? No... Beauty? Yes... :) heehee - Julia has a space as well - and the only thing her dentist ever said about it is YEAH! A lot of room for the BIG teeth to grow into - it helps so you don't have to have as many teeth pulled someday. :) And Jack was just the opposite - no space - but now that adults have grown in - a space! :) This time I have chosen to focus less on the spacing and more on the fact that they are both CAVITY FREE! Now, THAT'S what I am talkin' about! :) LOVE the red chair pics... made me giggle.
I will miss the space. It does add character! I can't wait to see you both very soon. I ordered Lola a Halloween costume and will take lots of pictures for AC
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