Friday, June 27, 2008

Well we're off!

Too Much Doggy Fun!

We are headed today to San Antonio and Sea World for four days. I have many blogs to come, but thought I would leave a sneak peak :) Have a great weekend!!!
Mommy and A.C. at her Dance Recital


Lindsey said...

Oh my goodness that is hilarious! I miss you both so much. I need to see more Bee Pictures!!!

Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

Love it!! Can't wait to show Julia - we just posted hers today...:) She was a "wingless/grounded" bee though because of certain moves they did (a long line of connecting) for one...they couldn't see or hold each other!HAHAHAHAHA

Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

Oh and hope your San Antonio/Sea World trip was fun! We love SA... :)

Unknown said...

What beautiful picture of you both. Anna Claire is so enjoyable to be around. She is so smart and very thoughtful. She continues to just amaze us every time we see her. You are a wonderful mother because it shows in everything she does.


Unknown said...

Love the pictures so much. We love every moment we around this sweet girl. You are doing an amazing job raising her. I think her new cousin "Sam" will love her and look up to her.
