Monday, June 2, 2008


Well it is no secret that Anna Claire loves animals! The child has made almost weekly visits to PetCo since she was an infant with her Nana. She treats it just like a "mini zoo". It is great, FREE, entertainment! We have had some exciting times with a particular type of animal lately...DOGS!
1.)Anna Claire had a blast with Stella, my parents' dog, in her red wagon! 2.)My new niece is the precious Shipoo puppy... LOLA BURTON 3.)My Mom, Anna Claire and I rescued, so we thought, an old, very sad looking dog on the side of the highway. I know, I know probably not very safe or sanitary, but we have bleeding hearts what can we say? She named this dog and "nursed" it until it's owner came to pick it up. My favorite name this dog ended up with was...TONSIL. Then we had a conversation about why ulcer and tonsil are not real pretty names for something. :)


Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

OK, first PLEASE tell me that you had just told AC about Julia's tonsilectomy - otherwise - I am frightened of that name! That just made me bust out laughing - Secondly - how can you handle Petco? That place freaks me OUT - Steve takes the kids in while I go to Barnes and Noble...It is the SAME way I feel about zoos and circuses - and why my children never slept in a crib...I cannot HANDLE eyes looking at me through BARS... sniff - sniff...And it smells HORRIBLE in pet stores too - HAHAHA - Maybe AC will be like Bindi - the croc hunter's daughter - she is the animal LOVER too! ;)

Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

The sidebar story is hilarious - and one of MY favorite movies! Jack was JUST asking me to see that movie about 2 weeks ago - they never have - because our local children's theatre is performing it in the fall and I freaked out happy - and he had NO idea WHY - and didn't even really get the "orphan" concept...So - I can't wait to show it to them...I had it on VHS and it disappeared...Hmm...who would want a VHS tape? Weird. :)

Grandmother said...

Awwww, isn't Lola sweet? We think Stella loves her too. Tonsil looks tired, but we think that's a good name for a dog since they get "taken out" several times per day! ha ha

Kisses and hugs to Anna Claire.

Aunt Jo & Rico

Becca said...

I love the picture of Stella in the wagon with Anna Claire! Two big hams!!!