Friday, October 5, 2007

First Day of Dance...

I picked Anna Claire up from Mrs. Heather's house to find a very excited ballerina! We went for the first class and met 6 other 2-3 year olds for a toe tappin', tip toe dancin' good time! She however was INSANE!!! All over the place, not listening to Mrs. Janie, running from me (it is a Mommy and Me class), gazing at herself in the mirrors, hanging off of the bars, etc. I thought "Oh dear Lord what have I done?!?!?" I found out later, she had had NO NAP!!! So when I finally got to a camera after the dance class was over, here was the photo shoot :) We are enjoying the class now, and LOVE Mrs. Janie! I will have happy dance pics very soon!

1 comment:

Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

This cracks me UP! The pouty dancer with the slumped shoulders is the BEST...HAHAHAHA