Monday, March 26, 2007

The Recliner...

One evening Anna Claire, Nana, Pop and I ran in Wal Mart really quick. I ran to one section of the store to pick up a few things and Anna Claire went in the other direction with my Mom and Dad. When I turned the corner to find them by the registers, what was in their cart, but a little brown recliner for my very LOVED (spoiled) child. :) Anna Claire loves her chair, but still prefers to steal my Dad's. Here she is soaking in a little "educational" television.

More Springtime and Easter Bunny...

Anna Claire was re-assuring me throughout the line that the Easter Bunny was just pretend and that she was not scared! This was about shot 20 or so when she finally smiled. Since I was so sick over Spring Break and didn't get to post any new messages or pictures, I have also included a couple of St. Patrick's Day photos.

"Okay Anna Claire! Mommy gets it! You are DONE taking pictures!" :)

Spring is here!

I tried and tried to get some good pictures at this little botanical garden area we have in Grapevine and I looked at my camera and didn't think that I was able to get any good shots! I ran into a girl I work with and her sister offered to take a couple. These are the ones she took. I will post more from my camera along with a cheesy Easter Bunny picture. :) Happy Spring!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I love my sister!

I love my sister so much! It didn't start out that way. I really wanted her to stay at the hospital when she was born. We had our very severe "sisterly moments" over the years and I honestly found her annoying until one day I looked at her and realized "Hey! She's not that bad." :) She has become one of my very best friends. You know the quote "We don't get to chose our family, but we get to choose our friends." While that is true, if she wasn't my sister, I would still choose her as my friend because she is an amazing person. She is so genuine and she gives amazing advice. Sometimes I feel like she is the older sister. I have learned so much from her! She is intelligent and giving and works hard at everything she does. She makes me stay fashionable and won't let me be a "frumpy teacher" HA! She is so much fun and makes me laugh. Anna Claire LOVES "Winzie" and has her wrapped around her little finger. I write this now because she is getting married in less than 3 months and then moving to Atlanta, Georgia after the honeymoon. I have been in denial about the move, but I know it is going to happen. It has just recently "sunk in" and although I am already missing her like crazy and kicking and screaming on the inside, I could NOT be more proud of her. She is going to be an amazing wife and Matt is VERY lucky. :) I love you Lindsey Beth!

"Down on Grandpa's Farm there is a ..."

We love visiting Nanny and Pappy's farm in Fairlie, Texas. I have so many memories from various visits over the years. There is no place like it. Everyone just moves at such a relaxed pace-it is a breath of fresh air considering the insane pace we move in week to week! It is probably the most comforting place I have ever been. It smells like my Nanny's cooking and looking out on the land my Pappy has worked on longer than my lifetime gives me a great sense of pride. Where else can you eat three amazing meals regardless if you are hungry or not, catch up with family, sleep in then wake up to a homemade breakfast waiting for you and look out the window to a country "postcard scene"? It is so special and has always been somewhat magical to me and now Anna Claire loves it just as much! She loves watching the cows, dogs and cats and the attention she gets from Nanny and Pappy and of course the tractor ride is a major bonus. :) How fortunate I am to watch my daughter play with her Great-Grandparents! I cherish every moment. "We wub you Nanny and Pappy!"

Thursday, March 8, 2007

"Hi Dere!"

Anna Claire was sitting on Lindsey's bed and stood up and screamed "OH! OH! Mommy it's me! Hewoh Anna Claire! I found you! Dere you are! See you water (later)!" And then continued on to talk about shopping at WalMart, singing a verse of itsy bitsy spider and then playing peek-a-boo with herself! Oh what fun to be "not quite two" as I like to call it. :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Understanding Humor...

Humor is such a big part of my life and a HUGE stress reliever on a daily basis. It may be something I read or see on T.V. or hear on the radio, but my biggest sources of humor come from the children I teach who are five and six and my soon to be 2 year old! I was taking a shower, leaving Anna Claire to play contently with her Little People. I didn't hear a sound and then "BOO!" I jumped about a foot. Anna Claire just laughed and laughed, "I scare you Mommy!" She is trying to joke with me! I almost cried. She has definitely transitioned to a toddler and is no longer a baby. My heart ached for a tiny moment as I am sure all mothers do, and then I instantly felt joy and excitement to see what will be ahead.


What is it??? Well "fuffwies" is a name Anna Claire affectionately calls a handful of batting that came out of a stuffed animal. She has quite the imagination. She sings to it, carries it around, asked me to read a story to it and loves to say "Where fuffwies go?!" She is enjoying this cheap "toy" and I am asking why we have a closet full of toys that actually cost money! Oh well, the early childhood educator in me is saying press on with your wonderful imagination sweet girl. :)