Thursday, May 28, 2009

Anna Claire Sings AGAIN!

I hope you enjoyed the last video, Meet Me in St. Louis. I did ask her to sing it for me and she added vibrato in for a great effect! I will post her "normal" version soon. But THIS video, she did not know I was filming. You see I purchased a little Flip camera and now she thinks I am just taking pictures of her. It is great! I think I might have a composer on my hands.

Enjoy an original by Anna Claire!

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Anonymous said...

OKAY!!! LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!! HYSTERICALLY FUNNY. Do you think she will remember singing to Finley when we come in August? I want to get that on tape too!

Andi said...

Well...that is proof...Anna Claire is right...He does love us! Where else would we get such joy?
Thanks for sharing...that made my night:)

susan said...

Hey Jill, It's Mama nations!
America's got Talent: Watch out! She is just sooooo cute! Reminds me of me when i was little. Mother said i came out of the womb and said Ta-da! Been singing and acting, and acting up ever since. And her original was just too precious. Reminded me of Lance when he was saved. Throwing Winnie the pooh up in the air and catching him all the while asking Jesus to come into his heart.

Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

She is nuts...just nuts. :)
Hey - those swimmies reminded me I have been meaning to ask you the brand of those - I wanted to get some for Julia...and needed them Monday at Johnny's! :)

Grandmother said... must get some help for her shyness! ha ha ha We LOVE the videos and have probably watched them ten times each already! Hope your school year rounds up smoothly and that you and Anna Claire have the best summer ever!

Lots of love and hugs,
Jo & Rico

Becca said...

She is CRAZY! I just love her! I'm still laughing. :) I don't think she has a shy bone in her body. Can't wait to hear the next new song! Now, I'm going to watch this one again, and again, and again.

Lindsey said...

Okay you seriously need to update or put pictures on facebook or something! You are about to be crazy busy with school so do it now! haha I love you and already miss you!