Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Anna Claire Sings - My 1st Blogger Video :)

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Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

OK, seriously - that was straight WACKY! You know we love our Anna Claire - but she sounded about 60 years old! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA - You need to take her on an assisted living tour with that one! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - Theatre just might be in your future...:) LOVE IT...Now you MUST post more...and THANK YOU for leaving the choking in - because that was hilarious! How she just recovered and kept going and going...and going... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA - Crazy!!!

Sars said...

She sounds JUST like Judy Garland. :) Love it.

Mario and Andrea Rodriguez said...

HILARIOUS!!! My mom told me how she sings that song (from hearing her at the baby shower) and I am so excited to see it for myself!! LOVE IT!!!

shirley said...

i think i just peed in my pants...

Lora said...

Hahaha--that is hilarious! I love it!

Megan said...

laughing laughing laughing
she is such a little ham!

MOM said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHaHA! That just about made my morning! Thanks, ac!

Janelle and Ella said...

That is the most awesome thing ever!! Seriously, I am laughing so hard right now. I think you have a performer on your hands. She is precious!

Anonymous said...

youtube material for sure :)

Holly said...

I CANNOT stop laughing at that!

Andi said...

OK...that was just hilarious...did she just sing "We'll dance the hoochie kootchie!" I must find a way to stop laughing...thank you so much for sharing that!

Becca said...

This makes me laugh out loud every time!!!! I love that girl!

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