Saturday, December 29, 2007
A baby, a bike and roller skates!
This is all sweet Anna Claire has asked for, for Christmas, since the beginning of November: a baby (color changing daily), a bike and roller skates. What two year old asks for roller skates?!? But Santa doesn't disappoint right? And I did take her "skating" this summer so maybe that is where the idea spurred from? Anyway, this year was the best by far as far as her age and excitement toward Christmas go! She was so into the spirit of it all! We have been singing all of the carols, reading a Christmas story every night and I even let her decorate a little tree in her room. She LOVES all of the AMAZING lights and decorations everywhere we go. She looks out the window of the car and says "Wow" and "Amazing!" at every display. Every Christmas in the past I would feel beat down by the hustle and bustle, list of "to-do's and by all of grumpy people, but not this year with my sweet Anna Claire and her positive outlook! She is truly my greatest gift. So, here is a little slide show of her Christmas morning. We hope yours was just as wonderful!
Candlelight Service
Friday, December 28, 2007
New Look!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
What a week!