Tuesday, May 8, 2007

We are still alive...

I am honestly not quite sure where the time has gone!?!! We have been fine, busy, but fine. There will be a day when I will finally blog again. :) As for now, know that I am storing the entries in my head and preparing for great things! Hope you all are doing well.


Within Connolly's Kingdom said...

OK, OK, so life is getting in the way...BUT, my new rule is...you may not read OUR blog...until you post a new entry on YOURS...all is FAIR with that request, right? Hmm...I think you are about twenty behind...now, get to writing! :) heeheehahahahahahaha I emailed you MORE wedding clothes questions...too.

Forever Texans said...

hey girl, i found you!!! man, i never got to meet anna claire (which is an adorable name by the way) and now she is so big and BEAUTIFUL!!! takes after her mommy :) you guys look great! we will be in town this xmas and would love to catch up with you! how the heck are you?!! i think of you and the fam often and hope to stay in touch now that i found you!