Four years ago at this time I was getting ready to meet the love of my life.
I never knew what that really meant until I held her in my arms.

I had been through so much, it wasn't an easy time for me, but when I held her and looked into her eyes I knew that God was giving me my strength through her. She was my purpose.
She was my everything. I am not professing to be a perfect Mom, but I do know that I give her everything I've got...I delight in everything she says and does...
I learn from her everyday. She is strong and sweet...outgoing,
yet a Mama's girl...
funny, but also deep in thought...she will sing like no one is listening and laugh over the silliest of things...her vocabulary is amazing, she doesn't forget anything, she is bright and just truly a delight!
Most of all when I didn't feel like loving, or felt like no one loved me, I had sweetest girl...who gave the greatest gift to me day after day.
She still gives me joy every day and I cannot believe the time has gone by so fast! People say that all the time! I never listened, but it is so true. Even though this toddler stage is over and there is a new chapter ahead...I can't wait! I am exited to see what she will do next. I am proud that I get to be there each step of the way!
MAY 11, 2009 - Today you are FOUR!
Anna Claire,
You make Mommy so proud! I cannot believe you are four. I enjoy everyday we have together and I cannot wait for this next year to see what else you can do! Your love for life and your family amaze me. Your knowledge of the Bible and interest in Jesus warm my heart. Your smile can light up a room and your humor can make me laugh every time! I am blessed to be your Mommy and to call you my daughter. Happy 4th birthday sweetheart! Thank you for the best four years of my life.