Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hello everyone! It has been CRAZY around here! I was asked on Monday of this week to move to third grade and have my room ready by last night because we had in-service all day today and Meet the Teacher is in the morning! I have been an emotional roller coaster, but overall I have remained very strong and positive. I will be teaching 20 third graders starting Monday and I truly am becoming excited because the new team I am working with is excellent! I have SO many blogs to do, but I am so busy because of this switch so, I pause only for this brief moment so that I won't forget this hysterical conversation with Anna Claire this morning. God has shown me his love through so many people this week. I have had a lot of help and encouragement and hearing these precious words out of my daughter's mouth got me through the day. Here was our conversation this morning.. A.C. - OUCH! I bumped my three head! Me - What honey? A.C. - I bumped my three head (rubbing her forehead) Me - Anna Claire it is called a forehead. A.C. - No Mommy! I am not four yet! Priceless!!!

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Unforgettable Humor...

Anna Claire has been CRANKY the last week and I knew this couldn't be right so I took her to the doctor and they decided to do a urine culture for various reasons. I explained to A.C. that she would need to urinate (pee-pee) in a cup. This is the conversation that occurred while she was half laughing/half crying...

A.C. - Excuse me but I cannot pee-pee in cups they are not for pee-pee! That is disgusting. Nurse - Okay sweetie how about I go and get you a little hat to pee-pee in? A.C. - Not a hat! You can't pee-pee in hats! That will mess up my hair. Oh no Mommy! Me - (after much coaxing and the sample had been given) Great job sweetie, now let's pour this in the cup and get out of here! A.C. - Oh my goodness why would they want to keep my pee-pee forever? That is gross. Tell them you will flush it.

Traumatic day...OVER! post signature

Taking it all in...

Do you remember a moment where you just sat back and thought "Wow! My life just may be falling in to place for the first time ever!" This summer has given me a chance to do that in more ways than one and it puts a huge SMILE on my face.
More posts coming soon of what all we have been up to! This has been a wonderful summer and I cannot believe that next week it is OVER. :(
I am kind of excited to return to a routine and welcome a new crop of second graders!

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