Sunday, May 11, 2008

And We are FINALLY Back!!!

No excuses, jut life that has gotten in the way! I am way behind on blogging and I am ready to catch up. Coming your way soon... *Atlanta trip *My new niece *Easter *Spring fun *The Zoo *Dora birthday party *3 year old day at the mall and much, much more! Love you all!!!

Happy Birthday Lovey!

Anna Claire - I knew I would love you from the moment I found out I was having a baby! I fell even more in love with you when I found out you were a girl and I gave you a name: Anna Claire Scherler. My love grew even more when I felt you move for the first time and realized that you were going to be feisty! There are no words to describe the moment I laid eyes on you.
You were all red and had a little "cone head", but I didn't care. You were mine, you were perfect. Your little eyes locked into mine and I knew we would be the best of friends.

Before I knew it you were one with an ever growing vocabulary and intense love for life. You would go to anyone with open arms and a huge grin. I knew then that you would love music and love nature. You continued to grow into a two year old with a lot of personality and definitely your own mind!

And now today, May 11, 2008 you are three. I just do not know where the time went. Here are a few reasons why I love you...

* You take everything at your own pace (like potty training) :) * You love nature and everything in it (except your new extreme fear of bugs) * You give the sweetest hugs and kisses and when I pick you up you pat me on the back * You smile the cheesiest smile for the camera and the sweetest smile every other time. * You love kittens more than any other child I know. Your high pitched baby talk towards them is priceless. * You love your family and act as if no time goes by anytime you see them. * I love the way you draw out the word "WOW" when you say it * You are so spunky and keep me on my toes. * You love to color and do anything involving art * You love tiny things and never have tried to swallow them even though someone might report me to CPS if they saw how little your favorite toys were. * You love to tell jokes and though they make no sense, your giggle makes them hilarious * You tell me everyday how much you love me * You pray so sweetly to Jesus and always thank Him for your friends. * You sing and dance to every song and try to memorize it after listening once. * Your strong, beautiful voice belts out songs like "Tomorrow", "This Little Light of Mine", and any theme from any show or movie, without a care in the world especially in a store. * Your made up words like "samber" and "condit" are hysterical and add to any boring conversation. * Your insight and conversations with me are amazing for your age. * Your delight in the small things is refreshing I love you and cannot wait to spend this three year old year with you exploring and learning and making even more memories together. You are the most wonderful daughter and I am so blessed to have you in my life. Happy Birthday sweet "Clairebear"! Love - Mommy