Monday, January 25, 2010
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I don't know which end is up?!?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Anna Claire Sings AGAIN!
I hope you enjoyed the last video, Meet Me in St. Louis. I did ask her to sing it for me and she added vibrato in for a great effect! I will post her "normal" version soon. But THIS video, she did not know I was filming. You see I purchased a little Flip camera and now she thinks I am just taking pictures of her. It is great! I think I might have a composer on my hands.
Enjoy an original by Anna Claire!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy 4th Birthday Anna Claire!

Saturday, April 4, 2009
New Funny sayings...
Oh no! Not Brittany Spears!
Me: Anna Claire where did you hear that?
Anna Claire: Katlyn sang it to me today at school because it is on her Mom's IPod!
"Oh be careful little ears what you hear!"
2.) I have been battling Anna Claire lately on not speaking baby talk. Last night she asked me to read her a book in a very babyish voice. I asked her to stop. She did it again and this was our conversation...
Me: Anna Claire I told you not to do it again.
A.C.: Oh Mommy! That wasn't baby talk, that was Chinese!
Clever Anna Claire...very clever.
Excuse my lack of pictures. I now have a sinus infection and full blown bronchitis. OH how I love the Texas spring!
I hope you are all doing well!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Just to hold you over...
She will be four in May!!! I cannot believe it is true :)
A couple of new funny conversations...
A.C. (angry because she is having to obey and go to bed): Mommy, you quit salamandering me and obey! I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO BED!
***She learned the word salamander at the zoo last week. Wrong context, but funny!
A.C.: I am so tired of having to teach the three A's in my class. It is so hard! I have a lot of work to do and they don't listen. OH, BLESS THE LORD!